Research Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Climate

The Research Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Climate (CKOZE, Centrum Badań nad Klimatem i Odnawialnymi Źródłami Energii) conducts interdisciplinary research, analytical, study and measurement work related to limiting the emissions of greenhouse gases, including the use of CCS and CCU technologies as well as protecting atmospheric air and eliminating sources of low-stack emissions. The research scope encompasses issues related to the conversion of chemical energy from waste and biomass into useful energy, utilising hydrogen and alternative fuels for fuel cells for the production of electric power, storing electric power and heat as well as using renewable energy sources, also in combined heat and power systems. The Centre conducts technical and economic analyses concerning the generation and use of power, demand management, supporting investments in renewable and low-carbon energy sources as well as certification of products related to renewable energy sources.


The Centre's goals and tasks are implemented by:

+ 48-32-259-2000