Technologies and Products

NEW TECHNOLOGIES for industry and the environment

  • MET7A laser methanometer
    Optimization of the combustion process and meeting safety conditions requires the continuous, accurate and immediate measurement of the methane concentration in the supply line. This results from the variable parameters of the gas which are related to the technology of obtaining methane from coal seams, such as the concentration of methane and other mine gases, water vapour content, etc... The operating principle of MET7A methanometer, whose original design was constructed by GIG, is based on the selective absorption of laser radiation in the mid-infrared range.

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  • Laser sensor for vibrations and deflections
    There is often a need for the continuous monitoring of stability and assessment of the loss of operational parameters of building structures subjected to mining-induced impacts, road or rail transport, as well as the impact of hydrogeological, atmospheric and operational factors.

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  • A device for measuring carbon dioxide
    This device for measuring the level of carbon dioxide emissions from mine waste dumps originated from a part of the development project entitled ‘The management system for CO2 emission reduction from mine waste dumps’ with the acronym COOL’S. The result of the work was a portable measurement set for field tests, consisting of a CO2 IR-GIG meter, a desorption cover, an ultrasonic anemometer to measure force and wind rose, a flow meter, an optical pyrometer and a supply and recording module.

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  • ELMECH&GIG pneumatic sorter
    The ELMECH & GIG sorter was developed in response to a clear demand which has been reported for an extended period of time by the mining industry. The device allows the precise separation of material fractions, differing in terms of grain density and the aerodynamic drag coefficient - mainly rock materials.

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  • Technology of mine water treatment from radium isotopes
    Radioactive elements, such as radium, occur commonly in nature. Therefore, they are located in the rock mass, from which they are washed out and dissolved by saline mine waters, and these in turn pumped out from underground excavations to the surface and when discharged into the environment can cause both contamination of surface waters and the formation of solid waste.

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  • BioCargo
    This easy-to-use reusable device has been developed for the transport of environmental biological samples (water, sewage, soil) intended for laboratory analysis. Currently, all kinds of biological samples are delivered to laboratories in leakproof bags or other containers, which do not always guarantee the proper conditions for the sample during transport.

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  • Granulation of sewage sludge
    Sewage sludge is legally waste. Wastewater treatment plants incur costs associated with their disposal or collection by specialized entities, as sludge cannot be stored due to its flammable properties. A partial solution to this problem is technologies for processing sludge into compost. However, such a product cannot be transported over long distances and its spreading is difficult.

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  • Technology of fertilizers production from sewage
    This technology includes a multi-stage process of drying municipal sewage sludge through mixing and leads to the production, through the process of capsulation, of a granulated fertilizer - sewage sludge sealed in a hydrogel carrier, protected against dusting and clumping due to a biopolymer coating. The use of sodium alginate gives it hydrogel properties and thus the ability to store and release water.

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  • PE / TPS bio-composite and the method of its preparation
    The solution enables the use of starch as a component of bio-composite. It was based on the innovative idea of replacing petrochemical raw materials with renewable raw materials, produced on the basis of polymer-starch bio-composites. Obtaining bio-composite based on thermoplastic starch and polyethylene is a multistep process.

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  • Processing of polyurethane waste
    The presented comprehensive technological solution enables processing of flexible polyurethane foams waste using methods of grinding, agglomeration and reactive extrusion of foam waste with the participation of low molecular polyethylene. Polyurethane foams waste is waste difficult to be recycled. These materials do not become plasticized as the temperature rises, and at high temperatures they decompose.

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  • Manufacture of mixtures and granulated product
    An intensive counterflow mixer is a tool that allows the production of a mixture of very high homogeneity from fine substances (e.g. from powders, dusts, mules, ashes, sludges) in one technological operation, while giving them the shape of compact granules with a grain size of 0.5 - 8 mm.

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  • Manufacture of mixtures and granulated product
    An intensive counterflow mixer is a tool that allows the production of a mixture of very high homogeneity from fine substances (e.g. from powders, dusts, mules, ashes, sludges) in one technological operation, while giving them the shape of compact granules with a grain size of 0.5 - 8 mm.

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  • Coal liquefaction by hydrothermal method
    Technologia opiera się na innowacyjnym podejściu do konwersji wysokozawodnionych węgli brunatnych do ciekłych produktów węglowodorowych, metodą hydrotermalną - ang. Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL). Celem badań było opracowanie podstaw procesu HTL dla wytwarzania paliw ciekłych z krajowych zasobów węgli brunatnych. Zrealizowano program eksperymentalny prowadzony do prób doświadczalnych w instalacji o pracy ciągłej w Centrum Czystych Technologii Węglowych GIG.

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  • Coal liquefaction by hydrothermal method
    The technology is based on an innovative approach to the conversion of lignite coals with high water content into liquid hydrocarbon products using Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL). The aim of the research was to develop the basics of the HTL process for the production of liquid fuels from domestic lignite resources.

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  • Seismological observation system
    One of the main goals of seismological monitoring is identification of the risk associated with rock mass instability, the effect of which may be caused by tremors-induced damage in underground mines. The complete microseismic systems, developed and delivered by the Department of Geology and Geophysics (GIG) are extremely easy to use and equipped with a modular, extensible architecture operating in the MS Windows environment.

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