International Projects

LIFE programme

Demonstration of an advances technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater (brines) combined with a resource recovery
IP LIFE for Coal Mining Landscape Adaptation

Projects realized within the framework of Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Euratom

Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations - focus on radon and NORM
CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories
Hydrogen Storage In European Subsurface
Partnership for Eurepean research in radiation protection and detection of ionising radiation:towards a safer use and improved protection of the environment and humen health
Sustainable manufacture systems towards novel bio-based materials
European Mining in the Green and Digital Era
Advanced mapping, risk assessment and nature-based depollution methods are combined to accelerate the recovery of contaminated soils and ensure that ecological restoration enters mainstream business

Projects realized within the framework of Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)

Establishing a Research Observatory to unlock European Coal seams for Carbon dioxide Storage
Catalytic Direct Hydrothermal Conversion of Biomass and Lignites to Liquid Fuels and Value-added Chemicals
Induced earthquake and rock mass movements in coal post mining areas: mechanisms, hazard and risk assessment
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
Synergistyczny potencjał likwidowanych kopalń węgla kamiennego, elektrowni opalanych węglem oraz powiązanych gałęzi przemysłu: wspieranie aktualizacji terytorialnych planów sprawiedliwej transformacji
Strategie oczyszczania wód powstających w procesie podziemnego zgazowania węgla i innych procesów, bazujące na sorbentach węglowych i bioremediacji
Strategie oczyszczania wód powstających w procesie podziemnego zgazowania węgla i innych procesów, bazujące na sorbentach węglowych i bioremediacji
From Mining Waste to Valuable Resource: New Concepts for a Circular Economy
Strategie oczyszczania wód powstających w procesie podziemnego zgazowania węgla i innych procesów, bazujące na sorbentach węglowych i bioremediacji
Innowacyjny, wysokowydajny system zasilania maszyn i urządzeń, podnoszący poziom bezpieczeństwa pracy w podziemnych wyrobiskach górniczych
Od odpadów górniczych do wartościowych zasobów – nowa koncepcja gospodarki obiegu zamkniętego
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
Post-Mining Multi-Hazards evaluation for land-planning
Leveraging the competitive advantages of end-of-life underground coal mines to maximise the creation of green and quality jobs
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
Reduction of methane emissions from post mining goafs to minimise their inflow into VAM
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
New technology for the production of hydrogen and geopolymer composites with the reduction of CO2 from post-mining waste and fly ash
Conservation and promotion of the Coal Mining Heritage as Europe’s cultural legacy
Reduction of Ventilation Air Methane in the Coal MiningTransformation Process
Development of hydrogen-oriented municipal waste refinery based on a novel borehole gasification process combined with advanced gas separation techniques
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines
Ecological rehabilitation and long term monitoring of post mining areas
An interdisciplinary feasibility study on hybrid pumped-hydro power storage of excess energy in open-pit coal mines

Projects realized within the framework of the international cooperation of the National Center for Research and Development

Research and development of key technologies and system processes for the production of high energy density hydrocarbon fuel from sewage sludge via hydrothermal liquefaction coupled with catalytic upgrading
Thermal Processing of P-rich ashes aiming for HIGH-GRADE PHOSPHORUS Products
Thermal Processing of P-rich ashes aiming for HIGH-GRADE PHOSPHORUS Products

Projects realized within the framework of Interreg Central Europe Programme

Management of urban water resources in Central Europe facing climate change

+ 48-32-259-2000