
Towards a FAIR and open data ecosystem in the low carbon energy research community


Towards a FAIR and open data ecosystem in the low carbon energy research community

Horizon 2020 (H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020)

Project duration
01.03.2020 – 28.02.2023 (36 months)

Grant agreement no.

Project Leader
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)

Project manager in GIG
Department of Water Protection
Aleksandra Zgorska Ph. Eng.

Project Partners:

  • Izmir University of Economics (IUE),
  • Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT),
  • Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy & Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA),
  • Central Mining Institute (GIG),
  • European Energy Research Alliance AISBL (EERA).

Project description
The overall objective of EERAdata project is to develop, explore and test the ecosystem of low-carbon energy data in terms of its openness and FAIR (Findability, Assessibility, Interoperability, Re-usability). The new data infrastructure is established through the broad involvement of the energy research community in a series of workshops and is applied in four selected use cases. In addition, EERAdata implements an open platform for uniform and seamless access to energy data and establishes a pool of experts and data stewards to facilitate a mental shift in the community towards FAIR and open data practices. A key element of the project is the active linking of EERAdata to national initiatives, the European Open Science Cloud, the Research Data Alliance and others. In this way, the project builds a critical mass to explore the prospects of large-scale FAIR and open energy data.

Additional information

+ 48-32-259-2000