News archive


The GIG Journal of Sustainable Mining has been included in the Scopus database!

The indexing covers volumes released since 2015. Scopus is one of the biggest international interdisciplinary databases

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An inaugural meeting for the partners of project HydroCOAL Plus

On the 28th of June, 2018, an inaugural meeting for the partners of project “Borehole mining technology development and demonstration for improving global brown coal mining competitiveness and limiting its influence on the environment”

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Studies have commenced concerning new extraction technologies of deep deposits

A meeting at the Central Mining Institute has officially opened project MEGA+: Methane production from deep European coal deposits in connected coal deposit methane recovery processes and underground coal gasification

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New and perfected methane emission control technologies - conclusion of project GASDRAIN

On the 25th of June, 2018, a seminar was held at the Central Mining Institute, summarising project GASDRAIN

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An automated acceleration transducer calibration system is now available at the Central Mining Institute

The automated acceleration transducer calibration system was purchased in response to the growing client demand for top-quality calibration services performed quickly for a large number of transducers

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