Industrial Dust Explosions Laboratory

Laboratory occupies with the problems connected with dust explosions and the methods of combating in all the branches of industry except underground mining plants.

The activity of the Laboratory includes:


  • experimental explosions in large scale and in laboratory scale with the measurement of the parameters characterizing the explosion;

  • numeric simulations of dust-air mixture explosion;

  • verification and calibration of dust explosion models with the usage of experimental results.


  • determination of ignitability and explosiveness of dust;
    Laboratory determines full range of standard parameters of ignitability and explosiveness according to current European norms:
    - e xplosiveness dust test according to VDI 2263;
    - characteristics of explosiveness including: maximum explosion pressure Pmax and explosiveness indicator Kst max;
    - lower limit of dust explosiveness;
    - minimum temperature of dust layer ignition DGW;
    - minimum temperature of dust cloud ignition TCL;
    - minimum temperature of dust layer ignition T5mm;
    - minimum energy of dust cloud ignition MIE;
    - determination of self-ignition of dust accumulation susceptibility SIT;
    - limiting oxygen concentration for explosion GST;
    - resistivity of dust layer ρ
  • dust explosion risk assessment:
    - for working installations (directive 1999/92/WE ATEX 137);
    - on the basis of installation project (directive 1999/92/ WE ATEX 137);
    - for devices and protective systems destined for operation in atmospheres endangered by dust explosion (directive 94/9/WE ATEX 95).
  • examinations of devices within the certification process (directive 94/9/WE ATEX 95);
  • consultations concerning dust explosion hazard problems.

+ 48-32-259-2000