Laboratory of Air Dustiness Measurements (LPZP)

Laboratory of Air Dustiness Measurements (LPZP) is accredited at Polish AccreditationCenter as a standardizing laboratory  no. AP 010. Laboratory has the accreditation for standardizing of the dust counters:

  • Barbara 3A,
  • CIP-10,
  • SKC,
  • AP-2000Ex.

Laboratory also possesses PCA accreditation as a research laboratory no. AB 005 in the range of:

  • measurements of dustiness concentration at work stations;,
  • measurements of respirable fibres concentration in the air (asbestos).

Employees of LPZP conduct also the tests of dust separators and spraying installations on the combines in regard of:

  • dustiness combating effectiveness,
  • mechanical spark methane ignition combating.

Endurance tests of elastic air pipes are also conducted in the Laboratory.

+ 48-32-259-2000