Range of activity

DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING conducting works on engineering and environment protection is a part of the structure of the Central Mining Institute in Katowice which celebrated 65 years of existence in 2010.  The Department includes:

  • Laboratory of Solid Waste Analyses
  • Laboratory of Waste and Sewage Analyses
  • Laboratory of Ecological Analyses
  • Laboratory of Organic Compounds Analyses.

Qualified and experienced staff offers services of:

  • collecting and transporting environmental samples,
  • analytical services: physical and chemical tests (water, sewage, sewage sludge, soil/ground, waste (including compatibility tests), dusts, gases, fuels, foodstuffs and others,
  • monitoring of:
    • waters,
    • sewage,
    • municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants,
    • waste,
    • waste dumps,
    • slurries,
    • soils,
  • study, advisory and expert services on environmental protection and engineering.

+ 48-32-259-2000