Department of Underground Research and Surface Maintenance
ul. Podleska 72, 43-190 Mikołów, Poland
Head of Department
Robert Hildebrandt, PhD Eng.
Phone: +48 32 3246 653
Scope of activities in the Underground Research Department
- research in the field of dust and methane explosions as well as fire hazards in mines
- new mining technologies
- testing of prototype equipment in underground conditions
The greatest assets of the Underground Research Department are:
- possibility to perform research works and real scale tests
Unique conditions at EM Barbara create an extraordinary test site that can be used as a base for large scale research work in all aspects related to mining industry, explosion tests, safety in construction works, industrial facilities (factories, warehouses), as well as in public transport (subway, tunnels), etc.
- location, construction and equipment of workings
Extensive net of experimental workings makes it possible to conduct tests in multiple configurations: chambers, niches, intersections as well as underground galleries with openings to the surface.
Regarding industrial safety tests, research tunnels equipped with modern measurement systems allow to obtain various parameters of physical phenomena, dust and gas explosions as well as fires.
There is also an integrated monitoring system on the surface and visualization of the development of the experiments.
- scientific and technical personnel
Specialists who possess not only an adequate education in the field of scientific research but also the required experience performing large scale tests.