Plac Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice, Poland
telefon: 32 259 22 19
telefon: 32 259 23 48
telefon: 32 259 21 58
telefon: 32 3246 535
Research and development activities in the field of:
Utilization of solid fuels, including alternative fuels, and other materials (catalysts, sorbents) in energy and chemical synthesis applications:
- thermochemical conversion of solid fuels (coal, refuse derived fuels, biomass, industrial waste) for energy purposes and chemical synthesis, including combustion, pyrolysis and gasification processes
- development of economically efficient and environmentally friendly methods of utilization of solid fuels and waste materials in heat and electricity generation and chemical synthesis (synthesis gas, hydrogen)
- kinetic studies of combustion, pyrolysis, gasification and co-combustion, co-pyrolysis and co-gasification processes under atmospheric or pressurized conditions
- determination of fuel reactivity in thermochemical conversion processes
- determination of the composition of the product gas from thermochemical conversion processes
- studies on carbon dioxide capture and utilization
- application of catalysts in thermochemical conversion of solid fuels
- studies on chemical looping in thermochemical conversion of solid fuels
Characterization of materials: porous structure, physisorption and chemisorption, thermogravimetric analyses and spectrometric analyses:
- determination of the specific surface area, total pore volume, pore size distribution and sorption capacity of solids using a gas sorption analyzer
- temperature programmed reduction, oxidation and desorption analyses
- differential scanning calorimetry analyses
- thermogravimetric analyses under atmospheric and pressurized conditions
- spectrometric tests - high resolution spectra measurements in the full spectral range of infrared: near (NIR), middle (Mid-IR) and far (Far-IR) for samples in solid, liquid and gas form
Modeling of multidimensional data sets using advanced chemometric methods and taking into account their specific multimodal structure
Range of activities:
- Developing draft assumptions and plans for supplying municipalities / cities with heat, electricity and gas fuels
- Energy audits of an enterprise and industrial processes in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Act of 20 May 2016
- Audits of energy and renovation of residential and public buildings
- Development of Low Carbon Economy Plans, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Protection Programs
- Thermal tests for industrial installations and power boilers
- Technical, economic and research analyzes regarding the use of renewable energy sources
- Documentation, analysis and calculations regarding CO2 monitoring
- Conducting expertise for investments related to the reduction of energy consumption and emissions in order to obtain financial support from appropriate funds
Range of activities:
- Conducting research and development on a large laboratory scale in the field of technical, technological and environmental issues of the underground coal gasification process
- Pressurized gasification of solid fuels
- The process of direct liquefaction of coal aimed at the production of liquid fuels and chemical raw materials
- Production of liquid fuels and chemical raw materials from biomass and waste materials by hydrothermal method
- Processes of hydrogenation and refining of carbonaceous substances
- Process gas separation using membranes and PSA