- Audits of energy efficiency and environmental nuisance of installations, heat sources and industrial facilities
- Technical-economic analyses of the possibility of the use of renewable energy sources in the supply of buildings and businesses in heat and electricity
- Modelling of processes and energy installations
- Development of project assumptions and provision plans for supplying municipalities in heat, electricity and gaseous fuels
- Energy and renovation audits of residential buildings and public utility buildings
- Energy certificates for residential and public utility buildings
- Development of Programmes for Protection of the Environment and Waste Management Plans
- Development of feasibility studies and the preparation of documents for fundraising from national and European funds
- Documentation, analyses and calculation for monitoring the CO2 emission
- Analyses of possible waste energy management
- Technical-economic analyses for the possibilities of the management of local sources and energy resources
- Supervision of project and investment works related to boiler installations and devices
- Conducting trainings in the following areas:
- preparation of audits on energy efficiency, energy and renovation of buildings,
- execution of energy certificates for buildings,
- efficient production and rational use of fuels and energy.
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