Analyses and elaborations in the field of energy-chemical coal processing,
including hydrogen and liquid fuel acquisition
Tests on low-emission energy technologies and clean coal technologies
Environmental, finance and economic analyses throughout the life cycle of technology and products, as well as analyses and assessment of eco-efficiency of technologies and products
Development of documentation required in running the installation:
applications for permission issue to emit gases or dusts into the air,
applications for integrated permission issue,
reports on the impact of projects on the environment,
Tests and measurements of emission and immission of dust-gas pollutant concentrations into the air, including asbestos fibres
Tests, measurements, expert opinions and concepts concerning energy efficiency of energy devices and installations
Comprehensive studies and low-emission reduction plans in urban areas/municipalities
Eco-audits and audits on energy efficiency of installations and industrial facilities
Energy and ecology reviews of installations, heat sources, businesses and administrative units (municipality, county, voivodeship)